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Class 4 - Phoenix
Croeso i dosbarth ffenics, Welcome to Phoenix Class.
This year our class is a mixed year 5/6 and we are delighted to welcome Mrs Worhtington as our new class teacher.
2020-2021 - term focuses
Dosbarth Ffenics
We have started our new topic for the summer term - 'The Romans'. We have begun by researching where the Romans came from and the Roman Empire. We have looked at a poem written about a Roman soldier and have written our own poem titled "I am a Roman soldier". We have explored map reading and compared our country to other countries which were a part of the Roman Empire. We've also been busy in mathematics, where we have explored Roman numerals and where we might see them in today's time. We have also developed a further understanding of shapes, capacity, area and volume. We have done lots of sporting activities including going to the cross county, swimming gala and we have been learning about cricket in school. We look forward to learning more about Romans and writing a Roman story in the coming weeks!
2023- 2024 Topics
Dangerous Disasters
Incredible Inventors